If you’re ready to STOP dieting and learn how to approach your health and weight loss goals in a kind, sane, sustainable way, you’re in the right place!


Let's start with the basics:


If you are anything like me, I trust you’ve tried just about every dietary approach to weight loss that there is (and there’s a lot of them!).  It’s certainly not lack of effort that keeps you feeling confused and stuck on your weight loss journey - and -  its’a also not because you’re a failure or incapable of reaching your weight loss goals.

Weight loss is often taught in an over-simplified, all-or-nothing fashion that simply doesn’t work. This is the reason that 98% of people who lose weight on a weight loss diet put the weight back on within 2 years time.

But don't worry.


I promise there is another way to do this!


While there is no magic-pill or quick fix when it comes to weight loss, I will teach you simple, sensible, doable tools that will help you lose weight with out feeling like you are in a constant war with yourself (I’ve been there, I know how it feels!).


Contrary to popular belief, weight loss is not about reaching some golden destination that lives on the other side of the rainbow. It’s about learning how to meet yourself where you are - with love, compassion and kindness, so you can truly understand and honor what you need to get unstuck and move towards your weight loss goals.


I have found that lasting weight loss requires is a little science and a lot of soul.


Let me show you how!